Wednesday 26 February 2014


Important changes in this major release include:
* DAS support: annotation of amino acid sequences using annotations of its homologs.
* NCBI Genbank search interface: search for DNA and protein sequences in GenBank database with UGENE.
* Bowtie2: use sequencing reads aligner "Bowtie2" from UGENE GUI.
* Multiple Alignment Format: PHYLIP format support added.
* Assembly Format: ACE format is supported by Assembly Browser.
* Workflow Designer: there were a lot of major and minor improvements.
- Common workflow output directory
- History of a workflow runs (in dashboards)
- Debugging workflows and watching of an intermediate data.

Youtube episode about the release: UGENE podcast #40: Whats new in UGENE 1.13


This is a copy of a message posted on the Bioinformatics.Org website.

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